Why Study Law

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Out of the 46 Presidents of the United States, 27 of them worked as lawyers. It is no coincidence that more than half of these leaders had a background in law.

If you look at countries around the world, you will notice a similar trend. This fact has probably piqued your interest about the legal field. But realistically, why should you study law? If you dig a little deeper, your research will probably yield these results.

Pursuing law will probably be one of the best decisions you make in life. Law graduates are some of the most dynamic, insightful, intellectually-driven, passionate individuals. They also leave the greatest impact on every level of society. This is because the study of law is more than just memorising and regurgitating judgements and statutes – you will learn how to apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills to any given situation, making you an invaluable asset to firms or companies across industries.     

Your years spent in law school will provide you with an incomparable breadth and depth of knowledge as you learn how legal aspects tie in with our everyday lives. You will expand on the ability to argue and introspect critically, analytically, rationally and creatively in order to provide the most appropriate solutions.   


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Aside from critical thinking and knowledge, you will acquire the ability to delve into philosophies, human emotions and intellect, allowing you to manage and mediate delicate situations with diplomacy.

‘Reading the room’ is not a common skill – it requires sensitivity to surroundings and an understanding of how people think and feel. The legal profession, similar to many others, revolves around people and their grievances. As such, this ability is absolutely vital in any form of work.

At this point of your research, you most likely understand how studying law will cultivate the most sought after skills by employers everywhere, but does it truly enhance your career prospects and earning propensity?

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In our current economic climate, the employability of law graduates has experienced a steep incline. Companies and firms are looking for bright individuals who are able to lead their institutions into the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

With an array of skills to offer, law graduates become almost indispensable within any organisation, thus increasing their career prospects and earning propensities.

And finally, the most compelling reason…

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Law is everywhere. Buying groceries at a supermarket, paying for your parking ticket, signing an employment contract, driving on a highway – there are various laws that govern each facet of our lives. And this is exactly why an understanding of the law and how it operates is incredibly beneficial. Once you comprehend how the legal framework operates, it becomes infinitely easier to navigate through life and work.     

As Malaysia faces an increasingly globalised economy, you will find that the law ties in with almost every level of business and governance. It is also at the core of social justice and human rights struggles.

If you’d like to expend your time and energy making the world a better place to live in, a career in law will be your most valuable asset in achieving these noble pursuits. Use your legal knowledge and skills to help our country prosper and help those who need it most.

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It is evident that law impacts all of our lives, from domestic issues to social injustices, it has a direct influence on our global decision making and shapes the world around us. Studying law requires students to possess a varied set of skills, which you will build upon as you engage in debate and analytical thinking, and confront challenging perspectives. Are you now convinced that pursuing a law degree is your ideal choice?

If yes, the next question is – “how do I chart my pathway?” Check out our article on your potential pathways, offering an idea of how the next four to five years of your life will look like if you embark on this journey.