Top 5 books students should read while studying for SPM and why 

For SPM students

I know the last thing any student would want to hear is “you need to read more books”, but here are five books you won’t regret reading while studying for your SPM exams.  

1. Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell: 

A non-fictional piece about Malcolm Gladwell and his climb to success through the use of his own skills and qualities. This book is a must read for students as it encourages its readers to evaluate the role of environment, culture and opportunity in aiding the growth and development of one's achievements. For students studying for SPM, this book can provide valuable insights about how success can take place even without the help of wealth or material possessions but rather from one’s own abilities and skills. This book can act as motivational fuel for students who are struggling mentally while studying for their SPM exams. 

2. Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson (starting with "Mistborn: The Final Empire"): 

This is a fictional piece that follows a common street thief by the name of Vin who finds out she is gifted with magical powers. The series continues as she uses these abilities to defeat the Dark Lord ruling over her world. This series is a worthwhile read for students as it allows them to grow their imagination, vocabulary, and grammar in a way that does not seem like studying. This gives the students a much needed break from constant revisions while also still helping them learn. Moreover, the series touches on political issues that are reflected in modern society which allows for students to become more aware of the political system in the world they’re living in. 

3. The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank: 

Autobiographies are always a valuable read for all, but specifically for students as it helps them understand the impact any one person can have on society. This book is about the life of the famous Anne Frank and is based on information retrieved from her very own diary kept during the Holocaust. This book provides valuable insights into human resilience and the impacts war can have on ordinary lives. In a time where war is scarce, students of this generation should be aware of global history and the perspectives of war from ordinary people.

4. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien: 

A work of fiction about Bilbo Baggins’ journey through a fantasy world filled with hobbits, elves, dragons, wizards, and just about every magical creature human imagination can conquer up. Though this piece of work is a series usually read for entertainment, it teaches its readers about the importance of courage, friendship, and personal growth through unexpected opportunities and adventures. Additionally, J.R.R. Tolkien’s conduct of the English language throughout the series can also help grow students’ grammar and vocabulary. 

5. The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White: 

This book is acts as a guide on how to write and communicate effectively. Both these attributes are incredibly helpful to students of any age. The book delves into essential tips on style, grammar, and clarity in communication and writing that are usually overlooked or forgotten. It is an excellent read for any student who is looking to enhance their writing skills. 

“Think before you speak. Read before you think.” - Fran Lebowitz